We I guess TONIGHT we are going to speaking all night 1 Topic This Is going to be a Fun SHOW CANT WAIT 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I just wish all Jews and dual citizens had been repatriated back to Israel in time for this reckoning.


Israel does have nukes, and they will use them under extreme threat.


Even though Iran doesn't *officially* have nukes, and even though Saudi Arabia *officially* doesn't have nukes, this means little if they do. And in any case, Pakistan officially *does* have nukes.

This could be checkmate for Israel. Either way, their days are numbered.

@UncleIroh I think they Will flee to Argentina following The same steps as their Némesis The mustage guy.


Why would you think that?

Argentina is now a fully fledged member of BRICS. So is Brazil.

Venezuela has just called for a stop to Israeli occupation.

America is weak and that weakens the Munroe Doctrine.

Jews have pissed off SO many countries it's going to be difficult for them without a strong US.

@UncleIroh It doesn't matters Argentina president Is an USA bootlicker they already bought almost half Argentina Landa belong to The The Jews. You can search it Is CALLED "Plan Andinia"


You'll be surprised at how flimsy such "deals" are when they aren't backed by US aggression, and/or are subject to global disapproval and pressure.

Deals, treatises, pacts, agreements - unless backed by credible force, they are worth nothing.

@UncleIroh Is backed by USA all Latín American countries belong to USA maybe except Cuba but Latin American Is in The same path as Europe.



Yes, that's the Munroe Doctrine. And it also includes the Caribbean.

It's been substantially weakened over the last decade and that has accelerated in real time this year.

Nothing is eternal.

@UncleIroh They Will squeezy that Doctrine for this occasion you can be sure about that

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