Malaysia is not politically neutral, FYI, but for this use-case it’s likely fine. Why not go for providers in the EU?

Why not go for providers in the EU?

You can go to prison for criticizing some people in the EU, it is the farthest thing from politically neutral.

Name some names. You scared or something? I can assure you I’m no Stasi agent or anything like that :p

This server and its admin is located in a nasty communist zone that persecutes people for their speech, it is called care and respect.

Use a real search engine to find out what those groups are if you are ignorant.

Are you not allowed to criticize the European Commission and Parliament in the EU? Seems like they’re having trouble enforcing that given the amount of criticism of them that happens in the open across the continent. Unless you mean some other group?

@Coherence7521 @tusker

Kikes and degenerate tranny fags would be the reason.

Does that answer your dumb trolling, or do you need me to explain with crayons?

This is what he was waiting for, now he can file a “hate report”.

“News” article incoming in about 2 months: “Are crypto communities full of hate”?



I like to think I'm doing my part to give his life the meaning and purpose he craves.

He'll start the article until realizing it would end up hurting him too. Finally, the epiphany moment when he comes to understand that the real friends were the trolls he met along the way.

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