Bitcoin Core is Slowly Dying From a Woke Infection
No that is incorrect. Woke are braindead morons who think everything is offensive and everything should be banned by the state that they believe is “bad”. Things like words, colors, symbols, songs, etc… They basically just believe anything that the mainstream establishment pushes no matter how stupid, like the covid hoax.
The Trump followers are a different brand of retarded, they believe Trump is fighting the “woke” side while he pushes poison injections and other toxic big pharma products, which he profits from,on his followers and promises them “economic prosperity”, as if one guy can actually do anything for everyone’s prosperity.
Sane people do not want LGBT pushed on their children. No one is banning books. As an adult you can read all the degenerate filth you want.
Leftist ideology is collectivism which was created by bankers to have useful idiots fight to consolidate power in the hand of the state which the bankers control.
There were quite recent news about books being forbidden in public libraries for teenagers. So, how it’s the library pushing LGBTQ on children, if they just provide books for interested kids?
Removing information never works. This seems to be a write fascist approach in my opinion
Regarding the finance stuff:
so you can choose between cooperate right and banking “left”?
How do bankers profit from a social system?
No worries. These people never fail to reveal themselves for the degenerate commies they are.
He went straight for anti-grooming and Christianity, the constant targets of their rage.
I knew this from his first comment. I still like to engage so others can see the mentality of these “woke” idiots and their intimidation tactics will stop working. Thanks for looking out though.