Despite how bullish i am for monero in general, i have a major concern. Picture the following:
The monero community starts to move heavily into adoption (see what is trying to achieve) and it starts to become widespread, BUT it’s till not officially allowed by governments. In fact, imagine that governments start to realize how bad monero is for their own economics and centralized control, and they start to explicitely ban it and enforce penalties for using it. what about then ?
What about that one random farmer (small business, selling products attending to people’s basic needs to survive), who wants to accept monero to sell his product, he’s going to get bothered by authorities for publicly accepting monero, after getting enough fines, i’m sure he’d actually give up trying to use monero officially.
Going even further down that road, as this would be an attack on the currency itself, what about that one fed guy buying monero (wherever, right, haveno, or whatever CEX) just to find out who’s selling monero, to literally prosecute them for just having monero?
Would Monero always remain a way to transact secretely ? rather than existing it as a way to transact publicly ?
This technology is not even meant to conform to any law, nor any governmental concern to assert their control over the populations, in fact, it is a direct threat to their existing control.