THIS is why i will never buy a JetBrains license - EVER! Fuck these cunts.I will pirate the shit out of their software and never pay them a single cent because they are the cuntiest of the cunts. Even worse than Adobe.


I'm also done keeping up with the JetBrains choo-choo licensing train.

Genuinely great IDE's with a ton of thought put into them, but holy crap, their licensing is dogshit.

My solution is to never upgrade. The version associated with your license is perpetual so just keep using that.

@UncleIroh true but if you read the license, the version you have is a year old. So if you buy license in 2024, keep paying one year(minimum to retain the license), then unsubscribe, the version you have rights to is the one from 2024, not the one from 2025 when you decided to cancel subscription. This is another way they fuck you. Personally, I use maybe 5% of the IDE functionality so I have ZERO reasons to pay. I would use VScode/OpenCode but the UI it crap. I cannot stand it.


I gave VSCode a decent try but never got on with it. Electron-based apps are mostly dogshit.

I've not tried KATE but as a long-time sublime-text user I'm good with that.

@UncleIroh my main gripe with vscode/vscodium is that everything is done via that autocomplete input. there are no menus, nothing one can navigate through. so i literally have no idea what there is, where it is, what it does.. also i think it is not even possible to adjust syntax highlighting color scheme and things like that. it was possible in atom before they shut it down.sublime is famous. if you're on apple, that is the way to go.



Not on the apple train either, I ditched that a decade ago. I have an iMac for the kids, but I introduced them to computers by getting them a raspberry pi. They loved it, took to it immediately

Linux has been my daily driver for years, debian and fedora mostly via QubesOS. The only time I ever use Windows is on work hardware, and even then I live in WSL wherever possible.

@UncleIroh i read Zed is gaining traction as vs code "killer". Give it a go, maybe you'll like it.

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