a guys asks on hacker news where are some good online communities. i explained what i was posting recently in here about them being dead since all good people left due to perverts that took over. and obviously my comment got flagged, even though i have not used any kind of pejoratives or spicy language. people have no idea how strong the censorship is EVERYWHERE. the gaslighting has never been larger in our entire human history than it is today, despite being the most connected we've ever been



What precisely is your point?

Tech in general is ground zero for queer ideology & that won't change but there are other communities, always have been.

I've probably interacted with almost every type on that graphic and you'll find they all interact with each other.

E.g. Rust is a great language, it's origins are Mozilla, it's community is woke as fuck yet it serves just about every square on that pic in one way or another.

Take what you need, spit out the bones.


As for censorship, it's here and we have to deal with it. Practically that means upping your opsec/persec/infosec skills.

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