Some people think I'm anti-abortion. I'm not.

I'm all about murdering parasitic people who threaten my lifestyle, and selling their organs and body parts to make cosmetics. That's just the free market working it's magic.

@VeganBob *economist writes book with statistics, sources, and sound logic*

*people with obvious political incentives and bias write their opinions online without disproving anything*

*retards who agree with said biases cite them and pretend like they proved something*

*people get tired of having their time wasted by retards and set them to mute*

@Tfmonkey Dude just saying govt. Funded abortions is the best alternative we have in our political situation. We can't take women's rights away so that's it

@Tfmonkey Broke stupid poor can't afford abortions, so I would definitely pay so they don't have more horrible children running around committing crime playing the knock out game etc. If I could go to a park without the worry of being attacked or seeing people shooting up drugs then I would pay for that... wouldn't you?????

@VeganBob Absolutely not, but I am cursed with understanding economics.

SanFran created "clean injection sites" so people wouldn't "shoot up" in the park and leave needles on the ground, and you'll never guess what happened? Drug use went UP.

It's almost like giving people free shit is LITERALLY the problem, but what I know?


@Tfmonkey I told one of my liberal friends women should lose their rights learn to suck a dick and bake an apple pie and he left the bar... he was cool... sad... We talked about Star Wars etc. He is pushing 40 and was going to get a mail order bride... I guess I have my way with people

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