I'm pro-choice.

I believe in the right to murder parasites who threaten my freedom and lifestyle.

@Tfmonkey I don't get it. In a New Hope Vader says the last time we met on mustafar I was but the learn now I am the master... youtu.be/Ku8H_BGLjRc

@VeganBob Disney Star Wars never happened. Star Wars ended after the prequels.


@Tfmonkey oh Great powerful wise Monkey What is your opinion on these companies selling stuff to customers they don't need to making problems to sell stuff? I can't stand it. The new star wars stuff makes no sense. They aren't telling a story anymore they are just trying to keep a gravy train going. Also look at the headphone jack in phones. Why did they take it out??? To force me to buy wireless earbuds that will fail in a year!!!!

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