TFM Website:
MGTOW.TV and others can’t consistently handle huge audiences of 1,000+. If one site is lagging or buffering, try the other one and balance out the viewers between the different platforms.

@Tfmonkey What is the difference between being an NPC and living in a community? A community seems like the road to Serfdum or NPCdum. Being a self sufficient island to yourself creates the most freedom as one does not to bother with values and judgements of others. In a tight knit community you have to worry about your position in the community because you depend on these people. They can control you by banishing you if you get out of line. Save the terrible of banishment and just leave...

@VeganBob two words: mutual benefit.

Insofar as you can provide for all of your own needs do so, but no man is an island and you will have to depend on others to some degree, and there is strength in numbers.

Compromise is the key to relationships as long as there is mutual benefit. For example, you give up some freedom when you get a job in regards to your time and wardrobe because you value the money. If you won the lottery you would quit your job because the benefit isn't worth the cost.

@Tfmonkey Yes I would quit my job. People are a means to an ends. Why waste most of my life working do what I wanted? Tight Communities always take more than they give. They will control what you eat, who you can marry, what you can do on your days off etc. It is too much. In The Common Good by Robert Reich The community should discipline people force them into their will. This is completely against the belief of an Obermensch. The Obermensch makes his own goals, values, beliefs etc.

@VeganBob it depends on the values of the community. Find a community that shares your values. If there are busy bodies going around trying to bend everyone to their will and everyone is fine with that except you, then you fucked up.


@Tfmonkey All communities have force behind them. Sometimes with violence other times with social shame and guilt to enforce their values and beliefs. This is driven by the dominance Instinct. Even MGTOW has hierarchy so people can feel they are a higher level of MGTOW. Moreover, people going John Galt is an essential threat to any community as communities leak off people more than they give back to the members.

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@VeganBob I've already explained the concept of mutual benefit and since I'm now repeating myself and this conversation has become circular, I'm done talking to you about this.

@VeganBob @Tfmonkey @VeganBob @Tfmonkey Tfm knows when a conversation goes circular and has to repeat himself he stops the conversation as he seen this shit with the people who talk on jews and explained on the TFM Show or the one with Halsey

@Yorsshitposter @Tfmonkey It isn't circular and I am not a troll. I really don't understand how you can hate normies but be philanthropist... If I follow his logic it makes more sense to buy a tiny house and guck off into the woods...

@Yorsshitposter @Tfmonkey To me the Catherdal has some good points. We need to kill billions of people. I hate humanity and I wish it doom and destruction. I hate Karen's and just nasty people. I don't understand why TFM doesn't feel the same. Normies will rat us out to the Stasi and get us killed. They can't just leave us alone they have to fuck with us. Hopefully TFM doesn't ban me

@VeganBob @Tfmonkey @VeganBob @Tfmonkey Because Normies ARE the problem. Even if you try to help normies they'll turn you in or refuse to listen cause they're like cuckservatives who will do nothing until it's too late. Yes you should get a house in the woods and live in there when shit hits the fan. It's far better than living in the cities. Me, I hate the normies, cuckservatives, Karens, etc that ruin everything and can't see past what the media tells them. Let them take their boosters and die from the gummies in their blood. Of course they have to fuck with you they gotta impose their shit onto you just like how the west does. I don't take the hating on humanity approach unless in a fictional scenario since it won't happen IRL as far as monster girls go etc this is Humanity being the barbarian, refusing peace treaties and using peace events between the races to kill more of them. At that point nope, I will not side with humans. Let humanity burn.

@Yorsshitposter @Tfmonkey Thank you! I am not the only crazy misanthrope. The worst is we can't even trust each other. Someone on this website could easily throw us under the bus look at DDJ or MGTOW 101. They fucked TFM over and we are all on the same side. Hence why I hate community

@VeganBob @Yorsshitposter Normies suck and all, but unless living on a dessert island and sewing your own clothes out of leaves sounds good to you, you have to get along with people on some level.

You have to pick a good community that shares your values though. If you join a white Christian community simply because you're white and Christian without taking into account values, you might find out they're communists or fascists or something.

Feeling things out and making friends isn't hard.

@Tfmonkey @Yorsshitposter Bro DDJ was your dude. He fucked you over called you a pedo etc. What if you were in your community in the mountains and he had done that. You escaped the herd of normies just to have someone backstab you and destroy your compound because of dick measuring nonsense or pussy or hierarchy in the group. Seen this shit. I have seen people fuck themselves over and because of jealousy etc. You go to these people and say hey this is going to hurt you too. Doesn't matter.

@VeganBob @Yorsshitposter Do you remember how Batman joined the Justice League but had meticulous plans regarding how he would take out each and every member of the Justice League should they turn evil and betray him?

@Tfmonkey @Yorsshitposter No never read Batman. Normies dont turn "evil" they set you up to be the bad guy so they can ve justified in fucking you over.
This is what a Karen or Normie does. Their burger having pickles is not a big deal they are looking to just flex and get you fired. Also why you can't work a solution with these people because their end is to start drama

@VeganBob @Tfmonkey @VeganBob @Tfmonkey I heard of that TFM with Batman. What the hell does that tell you if fucking Batman already has each plans to take out each justice league if they go evil or Anti-Hero. Batman will stop someone like Punisher for taking out Joker. To which I say every crime Joker does Batman gets every single punishment for it because he's the enabler.

@Yorsshitposter @Tfmonkey I have just never been a person that loves humanity. I just find it interesting how TFM talks about the normies being stupid then going in and feels said for them getting gummy worms 🪱 or that we need each other. I am like Scrooge if they rather die then they should do it and decrease the surplus population!!!! I believe in taxpayer funded abortions another one bites the dust!!!

@VeganBob @Tfmonkey @VeganBob @Tfmonkey I disagree with tax payer funded abortions because that's just another way for women to avoid accountability. Next take away birth control. Then take their rights away.

@Yorsshitposter @Tfmonkey By taking away women's rights you INCREASE population. Patriarchy is horrible for single men. Women don't take responsibility for their actions therefore I will be MGTOW under any system. So a patriarchy will really fuck me over. If you don't get married they will 🔥 you alive or like in Sparta make you sing a song naked in the 🥶 running through town or take your rights away. Most MGTOW don't understand that responsibility will be FORCED onto men no matter what.

@VeganBob @Yorsshitposter You can be a bachelor under a patriarchal society if you don't want to be responsible for a family.

The reason why people are suspicious of bachelors is because they don't want you fucking their wives.

However, holy men are often openly unmarried and celibate, and society not only accepts them but reveres them.

However, the present casual sex culture is a product of feminism, so it will disappear along with it, so get your fill of single mother pussy now.

@Tfmonkey @Yorsshitposter I am fucking euro bitches right now. Unless you are in some religious institution etc they will kill you take your property away etc. It will be Tradcucks on steroids. They won't leave us to be in the mountains in peace. This is also why I don't want a community b All communities eventually will force their values down your throat. So for me the feminist nonsense is pretty good. Patriarchal men will fuck recluses over because of the dominance Instinct...

@VeganBob @Yorsshitposter Exactly, you want to have your cake and eat it too. You want Feminism to "liberate women' sexually so you can have casual sex with them, even as society deteriorates and collapses around you.

Well, that's not how life works. If you want a future, you have to control your women, and that means preventing them from hooking up with misanthropic vegan bachelors.

Go ahead and enjoy things while they last, but realize that they will be gone soon and plan accordingly.

@Tfmonkey @Yorsshitposter True but these alpha Chad's will kill me in a patriarchy. So it is self interest. I think I will go yo Budapest and fuck some hot Aryan blondes while I still can! Normally they give blow jobs without a condom do you think I will get the gummy 🪱 from that? Really need some hot Aryan pink pussy!!! 😍 Being a Digital Nomad is far superior to being a family 👨. You can travel the world fuck every woman from every country and have no community telling you how to live

@Tfmonkey @VeganBob @Yorsshitposter @VeganBob @Tfmonkey 8 billion people is enough to bear the burden of a eugenics program against the irresponsible.
@Tfmonkey @VeganBob @PapaPole @Tfmonkey @VeganBob there's not 8 billion people in a country paying those taxes to fund that. Like, It's already bad enough the west is fucked as it is paying for the welfare system.

@Yorsshitposter @PapaPole @Tfmonkey I think I have figured it out. I am just selfish. I will not sacrifice myself for anyone for any reason. I get into arguments with conservatives when I say our duty to society is to pay your taxes and that's it. They want your selfless labor to continue their way of life. The individual is more important than the community. Hence why I won't sacrifice myself for a family. Tradcucks get really pissed when you say that. I would never fight for a country to

@VeganBob @Yorsshitposter @PapaPole it's okay to be selfish, but you can't do everything yourself so you still need other people and will have to make trade offs in order to optimize your life.

Just as your brain cannot exist without your other organs feeding it and providing the sensory inputs it needs to function; you need the normies you hate to do the things you need to function and live your selfish life.

If you love yourself you have to love them to an extent as well.

@Tfmonkey @Yorsshitposter @PapaPole Yes I am not a socialist. I will pay them for their jobs but that's it. When they try to shame me into settling down and starting a family to help the community they can fuck off with that! Moreover, most of the hosts on the show will be killed in patriarchy, you have a trap, two fat dudes and a guy that watches horse porn. I don't think they realize these masculine men are going to kill them and probably me too...

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