Some people are so stupid they think that if they were born 50-100 years ago life would have been better for them.

News flash: It wouldn't!

Life was hard as hell back in the day and this is objectively the easiest time in history to make something of yourself.

So trust and believe if youre unsuccessful in this generation, you'll be unsuccessful in any generation because the further back in time you go the harder life gets.


@basedbagel Nah you are wrong the only difference from the past is that we have the so called green revolution that make food production more abundant but the problem is that resources are own by corporations specially land they are forcing people live in tiny apartment so there isn't away for people produce their own food in a garden so today every aspect of our lives a dependent of these corporations basically we are prisoners in a big jail called "murder soyciety"

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You're overexaggerating.

Is it harder to live off the land and avoid government? Yes

But EVERYTHING else is easier.

It's never been easier to:

Learn a new skill
Make $$
Start a business
Learn the truth about the world

The modern era is as easy as it gets.

The fact that we've been having this conversation proves my point. This kind of conversation is not even possible 50 years ago because the community couldn't exist.

@basedbagel In the past you wont need to have these kind of conversation because the community was the most important like example that TFM brings that you were an inmigrant from whatever ethnic group with no money the community will give a loan and a job to pay the loan


You're looking at the past with rose tinted googles.

People did not just get loans and jobs when they came here.

EVERY race/creed suffered real oppression. Not fake ass hurt feelings like we have tlnow that they call oppression.

While it was a little more community oriented fre thought still wasn't encouraged because you NEEDED the approval of your community to survive unlike now.

Like it or not this is the best time to be alive as a free thinking individualist

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