Hot take: Men AND women shouldn't have kids >30.

Here's why:

1. It makes you less relatable to your kids

2. You won't have the energy/patience to keep up with them

3. There's a higher chance you might die before they're old enough to handle it.

4. It's more likely youll get grandkids.

Citation: My dad's a boomer and while I'm grateful to have him it sucks because he can't relate since he's a boomer. I just taught him how to text 2 weeks ago...

@basedbagel There a ways to get around this issues you point out for example if you play your cards right and retire early for example 45 years old you get around the energy part since people lost most of the energy in 9 to 5 slavery rather than dealing with kids also as redpilled guys here I am pretty sure all guys reading this wont allow the mother of his kid work she will be a stay home mom.


That my be true but ideally you want to have your kid before 30 if you can afford it.

Too many guys saying they'll wait until old age to have a kid for no reason.

@basedbagel FOR No reason?????? Dude you follow TFM there is a mountain of reason to wait in my particular case my last chance to have a family will be at my 47 years old that is my limit I am 38 old right now so only 9 years waiting for the Glomohomo collapse if dont happen it that range I already make peace of not having my linage continue.


If you have a legit reason like in your case that's cool but I see alot of people online saying they're gonna wait to have kids just because they can and I don't think thats a good idea.

Look at how fast the world is going. Most of the tech we use daily wasn't here 10-15 years ago.

How can you relate to your child and keep up with that wide of an age gap.

Also if you can get a remote job you can leave the US and raise a family for cheap with a good woman.


@basedbagel For that case I am betting on my Veganism from my perspective all so called old age relate diseases are cause by meat, dairy and eggs so I am betting that even in my 60s I will be as sharp as my 30s. That is my bet.

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