
@Engineer Christianity Is Cuckery Made a Religion worshiping a Hippie JEW nailed to a Crux pathetic

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@VeganMGTOW How can you be so based on so many things and still be so soycucked on diet.

@Engineer Well you will surprise that my diet Is what keeps The goyim out of me all The Rockefeller Medical business rely soly on meat dairy and eggs consumption you really need to do your own research and make smarter choices to avoid becoming depend of a system that hates you.

@VeganMGTOW I do the opposite of whatever the globalists tell me to. They tell me that beef is bad because global warming and try to sell me impossible whoppers filled with soy. So I only eat beef.

@Engineer Remember these people play doubledge sword game they Will Tell you half true half lies Is up to you dicerm what Is a lie what Is true.

@VeganMGTOW It just makes sense to me, kings considered vegetables to be slave food, the conquering Khans only ate meat, the Nephilhim were carnivores, most body builders and power lifters eat lots of meat, the most athletic creatures on the planet are carnivores. Intelligence and high on the food chain are strongly correspondent, I could go on. The fact that their policies are pushing against meat means they want us to be vegetarian. Its more than a psy-op now.

@Engineer That Is just population bias obviously that achieve most of The thing with omnivore cause Vegans only have been a thing The last 20 years More or less but my main reason that I Follow this Diet Is selfpreservation I don't need medicine or any medical threatment so in a collapse scenario I Will be ok Also I need less resources to keep myself active rice AND beans The cheapest food there Is so I don't depend on The system after this system collapse

@VeganMGTOW Yeah but I don't need medicine either and I'm strictly carnivorous. I can get these resources for free because I grind offal into sausages and also eggs and ground beef is cheap. Also chickens can eat bucks and I can eat their eggs so I don't even need a farm to thrive. Just let the chickens free range and eat bugs from the grass and I'm good.

@Engineer Well I guess we get The same results doing different aproach but I am surprise you don't need a lower cholesterol drugs like statins if you rely so much on eggs meat to get your calories

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