I know it's annoying but let these hoes keep crying wolf about rape with

One of these days there's going to be a string of real rapes and noone will care


I know youre joking but let me tell you this:

A normie in my inner circle said " All that anti-Semitism stuff doesn't work on me anymore. What they're doing in Palestine is inexcusable!"

This is from a guy that believe sthe vaccine is effective and Jan 6 was an insurrection.

It takes a while but you can't keep lying forever eventually even normies catch on.

@basedbagel You misundertood I am being serious Europe have raping srreak for last 10 years AND in reality either noones cares or people are in denial I personaly suscribe for The first option

Oh wow I had no idea about this.

I'm gonna around like an asshole but I don't really care.

You try to tell them and they try to ruin your life.

Their birthrate plummets and now they have to import migrants and have a big welfare state and now have a rape problem.

They don't want real solutions so as TFM says " the beatings will continue until morale improves

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