@LysanderMooner Damn Andrew Tate cheerleading For Christianity hope is too late I haté Christianity I want Europe return to their pagans roots and finally destroy the Christian mindvirus


@LysanderMooner @Stahesh Cause that is the Religion that define Europeans. And I am talking about each one of them the Celtic, Greek, Nordic Mythos etc etc each european country pick the one that conected better with their ancestral heritage.

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@VeganMGTOW @Stahesh sounds like a lot of effort for nothing lol
There's no pagan no go Zones

@LysanderMooner @Stahesh Without culture You are easy prey of Globalist You don't need no go zone if the Goverment fear the people but Christianity focus in create the gentile the human cattle that is why no one respect Christianity.

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