
@sardonicsmile Nah if we send SIMPS manginas to die in Ukraine or Israel maybe Feminism Will end

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@VeganMGTOW Well, they will send able bodied men first. Moreover, they will place the burdens of the rigorous and life threatening duties on those same men. They they will conscript the rest of the men.

@sardonicsmile While the smart men get the loophole I KIND agree that most men should die before we can fix real problems

@VeganMGTOW Well, I do not think right and proper Men "should die" in order for these problems to be solved. Nevertheless, many men *will* die because of the very same problems and the carrying out of the solution.
Personally, I have opted out. I will no longer support or defend a Society that demonizes Men and relegated me to a 2nd class citizen only so chads children can have it better along with the females who also reject me.

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