
I haven't watched the last TFM show but from what I've seen and heard, Prighozin was dead serious with his attempt to walk into Moscow with the bois and Putin definitely saw him as a threat yesterday.

However, there's no indication he's been bought off by NATO or is planning to overthrow the whole Russian government. His hubris got him doing stupid shit (I mean he is ex prisoner and a mercenary) and now he'll pack up and move out to Belarus. A treacherous act but this didn't warrant his erasure

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@Wopu It does warrant such, because you can not create a precedence of tolerating treason.

@Engineer You can't have him operate on Russia's side anymore. Dude's a loose canon.

So getting Wagner out of Ukraine and fight somewhere else is needed. Let Russian forces take care of the rest, it's not like they weren't already winning this war.

Now with Wagner in Belarus, I wonder what'll happen. Either he's cool with Russia and will just do his own things while still fighting against Western troups, or will he stab Lukachenko in the back and overthrow the Bielorussian gov. Time will tell.

@Wopu You can't trust a traiter to do work for you just by changing their area of operation. Traitors must be exterminated lest you set a precedence and embolden others to follow suit.

@Engineer May actually be the right answer:

About mercenaries, do they also get the bullet ? The whole "Im following orders" won't fly and also they only go where the money is. You don't strictly rely on their "Patriotism" for work and they certainly aren't going to get assimilated into the Russian Army by force either.

@Wopu The lower rank and file will be given the choice to stand down for amnesty, or die.

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