@Wopu WAY too generous.

Women should not vote AT ALL.

Men think about what's best for society and consider them in their vote.

Women do not build a damn thing in society and struggle with logical thinking and considering 2nd order consequences.

They are also more susceptible to social engineering/ manipulation due to their emotionality.

@basedbagel It was posted on Reddit for reaction farming, so yes it's about as based as the source material can get.

But I second what you said: there isn't a group that loves police state and socialism more than women.


>It was posted on Reddit for reaction farming

Fair enough

>there isn't a group that loves police state and socialism more than women.

Weak men love it too, but here's a caveat: They go down with the ship.

I got into a debate with someone saying the collapse will hurt women and I disagreed.

In a collapse/military conquest the men ALWAYS bear the brunt of it.

Ex. In Ukraine the men were rounded up to be cannon fodder while the women just left and hopped on some new dick.

reposted this and then i remembered that it doesnt matter. you vote for A) jewish pedophile or B) jewish pedophile.
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