@Shadowman311 He's fundraising for the defendants, and it's pretty clear he'd have been with them on J6 if it weren't for a palace coup. Not sure whether he knows what he's doing here, but the people trying to split his base from him are either stupid or malicious - there's no beneficial replacement for him.
@KarlDahl @Shadowman311 People who obsessively whine about Trump are spiritual cuckolds. They don't want there to be hope. They don't want there to be something they can do, they don't want there to be a reason to work out or make friends IRL. They want to sit in the corner and loudly declare their own impotence, and they attack anyone who suggests not doing that.

They are also literal cuckolds, all too often.

@ApocalyptoLatte1488 @AmericanChampion @KarlDahl @Shadowman311 - Yeah, regardless of anything else, Trump *did* back gun control, didn't he.

One of the typical periodic shootings that you get in a political entity of 330,000,000 people occurred... and Trump's first impulse was gun control. That sticks out in my memory as a red-flag.

That could very well be, the deal that was struck.

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