
Avoid paying for women by not having sex & getting a woman pregnant & then get taxed to pay for women who got pregnant by men who are unwilling to wait until they are economicly stable due to hard work before getting women pregnant

Bachelor tax is still better than jail or execution on false accusations from a woman

@shortstories It's all the same really, brutally punishing men for attempting to have families and children.


So are you saying they are trying to tax unmarried men so that they can not save enough to afford to get married without going on welfare

@shortstories No, it's never that complicated. The government simply doesn't want men with strong families and communities because they can't subdue and turn those into slaves.


Why would they have a bachelor's tax if they want to prevent strong families?

A bachelors tax would encourage having a family to avoid taxes

Today's "family" is nothing but the perfect prison for men. It's the woman's family, she immediately becomes your master and owner.
it's much, MUCH cheaper to pay the bachelor tax.

@Zeb won't people just game the system and get "paper married"? IDK seems weird to me.

@BowsacNoodle @Zeb

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I am not saying there should be a math death squad ( mds ) but a mds
would help prevent the idiocracy this would cause


public schools = Bachelors tax

But a official overt bachelor tax will result in State sponsored natural selection of the parasite economic class who tax the working class resulting in a faster pace towards idiocracy

@shortstories @BowsacNoodle @Zeb I think the people we'd be afraid of reproducing don't even pay enough attention to things like taxes, while industrious whites (if gentile lawmakers are involved) will be more able to make a woman obey her personal self interest for a change by telling her "by the way, I'm basically free money for shoes."
@porkcow @Zeb @shortstories Carrots work better than sticks. Trouble is getting people to recognize a carrot.

@Zeb Nomad Capitalist: go where you're treated best.

You don't owe shit to a country that would cuck you so Tyrone and Rayray can make single moms. Let it burn. This has to be a very solid line, attempt this and fucking collapse.

Bachelor tax is the most obvious signal that that society is collapsing. It occurs when there's no other alternative left at all. It's basically a white flag - they would do anything except give men authority over their families and communities.

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