I have a bit of a conspiracy theory with the trajectory of all the LGBT crap that has manifested to this point.

Early on in media, homosexuals started out as being the target of jokes. This was effective at placing gays in the forefront of people's minds, easing them to the idea while seemingly being against them. By getting their foot in the door this way, it became much easier to push for pro-gay propaganda in shows such as Will and Grace. Because people are now used to seeing gay characters.

Just think about shows that take place in the 50s, such as Leave it to Beaver. Was there anything gay in that show? No. You cannot pivot off of media like that to start pushing for pro-gay propaganda. You have to be sneaky.

"Ha ha, gay people are weird!"

Then suddenly in shows later on:

"Hey, maybe we were too hard on gays! We should see that they are just like you and me!"

You can't pivot from "we did a bad thing" to "let's do a 'good' thing" without that pivot point.


@houseoftolstoy It's a good strategy but the root cause is pretty simple: the corrupting force in power are mostly degenerate gay themselves. archive.ph/oKfBF

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