If you want to know whether it's you or the job market, reach out to ~100 companies and offer your skills as an independent contractor.

Don't worry about it if they say yes, pay attention to their reaction.

It'll tell you everything you need to know


@basedbagel As I said, it depends on your area. But economics is pretty clear: If where you work you have an oversupply of low-paid retards and so little demand there's no reason to worry about competitors, your talents and time should be redirected and spent somewhere else with a higher ROI.

I've changed fields once and I will do it again if the ongoing rate doesn't at least keep up with inflation. I recommend you strive to be bold too, considering your situation ofc.

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My issue is a but complex as im trying to make a vertical move into a new fie it was already gonna be hard but the recession just made it worse

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