What do you guys think of worker owned businesses in the market today?

The ones I go to locally have the best prices

Especially food and ammo

So are they more efficient?


Collective owned business already exists and in Russia they were called Kolkhozes.
It has already been tried and we have decades of records of their performance. It's quite easy to find material on them and how they worked in the soviet union.

Here is a quick link from wikipedia: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collecti

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@Zeb i know but obviously im not talking about state owned or collectivized businesses in soviet, thats why i wanna know how they're able to offer the lowest prices

If you're talking about small local shops, they can offer better prices when they have low costs and no overhead: few/no employees, no rent and local direct supplier/production.
The secret is to keep government interference to the minimum or zero.

@Zeb they're regional corps with dozens of locations w employees
I'm just impressed they perform so well

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