
What do you guys think of worker owned businesses in the market today?

The ones I go to locally have the best prices

Especially food and ammo

So are they more efficient?

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My favorite grocery stores


1 Woodman's

2 Trader Joes

3 Aldis

Woodman's claims to be employee owned

It gives you a wide selection of choices and specific brands at cheap prices and is very big

Aldi and trader joe's give you cheap prices but less choices

When people support Anarcho-syndicalism then Anarcho capitalists often say it already exists and you do not need to do anything special you can just start a employee owned business


If you want to watch awesome documentaries by people who might think they are Anarcho-syndicalists who sometimes get Noram Chomsky to appear as a guest speaker in their documenary then I suggest

Metanoia hyphen films dot org

I would start with human resources if I only suggested one of their films

It goes over MK Ultra type experiments if I remember correctly


I think the person who made human resources film had a parent or relative who was a victim of a psychological experiment as a member of the military and so she made this documentary because of it if I remember correctly

They put one of her relatives on experimental drugs to see what would happen if I remember correctly

@LysanderMooner I think it would be better than kikes that owns it in banks
Many money acumulate in white collars jobs when it is the blue collars that create money

This is essence of capitalism where every worker doing his job and owns it himself.

Not kike that takes money and hire immigrants

Because they are just miidle man that take money for almost free

And stupid people just give up their power to people that can only control people but can't produce shit :happyjewishmerchant:

@LysanderMooner Like why the f system allows for kikes to buy everything and do nothing.

Owning every property every company every land.

These people are just parasites . That produce nothing and take credits for everything. If they would be forced to produce something they would starve.

@Stahesh @LysanderMooner

Or all of them would starve except those who decided to change their ways

And then only those who decided to change their ways could produce the next generation

And it would be artificial or natural selection for Jews to not be parasites anymore instead of the current artificial or natural selection to enable Jews who act more strongly like parasites to reproduce more

The selection could be to select not just DNA but also behavioral traditions or cultures

@shortstories @Stahesh @LysanderMooner It depends Who breeds the most in the US mexican and other south American in the end are the ones that Will Make the rule in the case of Canada I think Muslim are the ones but Pajeets are near second

Collective owned business already exists and in Russia they were called Kolkhozes.
It has already been tried and we have decades of records of their performance. It's quite easy to find material on them and how they worked in the soviet union.

Here is a quick link from wikipedia:

@Zeb i know but obviously im not talking about state owned or collectivized businesses in soviet, thats why i wanna know how they're able to offer the lowest prices

If you're talking about small local shops, they can offer better prices when they have low costs and no overhead: few/no employees, no rent and local direct supplier/production.
The secret is to keep government interference to the minimum or zero.

@Zeb they're regional corps with dozens of locations w employees
I'm just impressed they perform so well

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