
In the end, as with all things gay and retarded, Telegram founder Palov was arrested at behest of Israel for not censoring the jew leaks.
Lol the jews are back at it again...

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@lina It's kinda in the title of the video: the founder of telegram

@Zeb i knew americans are very clueless when it comes to foreign names but being unable fucking READ that it's PAVEL DUROV is a new fucking low, you fucking use his platform to share stale memes have some goddamn respect to the guy, his name NEVER was palov
@syzygy @Zeb ПАЛОВ епта блять, пал палыч палов нахуй, как вообще можно не прочитать, это же простейшее имя фамилия

@lina @syzygy
My bad, I wish I could influence the faggots and have the greatest show in the 21st century:
- Bring back the guillotine and broadcast his execution to the world.
One can dream to kickstart the collapse.

@Zeb @syzygy it took you 15 hours to come up with a limp wristed response, log off the internet
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