We need to stop saying women only like bad boys.

I don't think women care about your moral compass at all and here's why.

A while back a bitchmade backstabbing fake ass coworker went through my bag while I was in the restroom and found my notes on a TFM video about why women don't need rights .

He then tells a female coworker that I was against women's rights.

Guess what? Not only did she not give a FUCK and still go out with me and just texted me that she misses me.

Crazy right?!


Moral of the story: I got real lucky! 😂

Also Females don't care about your worldview, politics, morality one bit.

All they care about is if they find you attractive or useful.


@basedbagel it kinda outlines that women really are not the problem it’s the weak men, it’s the white knights and cucks who are the problem. Feminism wouldn’t of been able to be as effective if it wasn’t for men helping their movement. Women cannot really organize and accomplish anything on their own. Even Gloria Steinem needed a man to help her write her articles and journals. That’s why in the future what I hope for is for all men to be educated on female nature from an early age.


Exactly! The Taliban understood this well and sent the white knights to Jesus.

Unfortunately education won't even fix it as it's just a cycle.

As long as there are weak men who can't get laid.

They will always resort to pussy begging and throwing guys under the bus.

@basedbagel maybe we can have some form of right of passages for young men like in ancient Sparta, this is assuming we go back to a society where fathers are a big part of a child’s life. I would say the fact that we exist on these alt platforms when we all started off bluepilled, it does prove eduction works, because we obviously snapped out of the gynocentric conditioning.



I agree with you but not in the west they're too far gone.

Education works for those who look for it.

Most of us were brought here because of immense pain from women/society at large and we came looking for answers

Most people haven't felt Enough pain to look for answers. And even and even if they do they don't have the mental strength to accept those answers.such is life

@basedbagel I agree but I’m more talking in the future when the dust settles, I’m optimistic about the longterm future but I will definitely say in the current year I have some pessimistic views. And yes people do have to seek education in order to become educated, it comes from a spark of curiosity. I didn’t necessarily experience pain to discover mgtow and the redpill, I noticed things that were not making sense and I seeked the answers, because I didn’t hear many people talking about it.


Consider yourself lucky because I came here because I kept getting stuck in the friend zone.

From there I fell down the rabbit hole and ended up here.

I agree I'm super optimistic about the future as well but it's not going to be fun getting there.

We have a lot of trash to take out.

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