Dating coaches: If you wait long enough she's gonna hit the wall and come back BEGGING for the good man she rejected

Reality: The wall is a MYTH for grifters to cash in on naive men

@basedbagel No the wall is not a myth. Let’s say that women are worth 10 and men 2. When women hit the wall they go down to 5 and men go from 2 to 4. Women still have more sexual opportunities than men but it will feel like ash and emptiness. However, for men it feels great because they doubled their value.
Ultimately dolls and waifus are the solution. They are the only ones with the power to rebalance the sexual market.



The wall was originally evolutionary psychology talking about women's fertility window to have kids.

Then red pillers took it and bastardized it to what we have today.

I haven't seen this pan out like that in real life at all.

I see women 50+ and STILL have guys chasing them.

You underestimate the horniness/desperation of men.

@basedbagel Oh yeah men are desperate there is no doubt about it. Still Leonardo Di Caprio dumps his GF as soon as they are 25. Even if women still can get simps, cucks and weirdos those are not the men they want. + dolls and waifus are the solution. They are chipping away at women’s power. Genshin Impact made a billion dollars benefits last year. That’s one billion dollars less in the pockets of hoes to buy makeup.

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