
After intense reflection, I just can't respect most people.

I retook calculus 3 times to get my stem degree l, only to make less than a woman that bends over or a dumbass prankster.

I lost 4 months of income, family and friends over a vaccine most people took to keep their jobs, yet are STILL BROKE and complaining about money.

I workout 6 days a week while most are obese.

Im medication free while most people aren't.

I can't respect most people as they don't even respect themselves.

I can tell my disgust shows in most of my social interactions which does me no favors.

But how can I trust people who believe anything the Zionist media tells them?

I know I'm not perfect and I want to get to know people as I'm an extrovert but this is proving to be quite the challenge as self improvement makes you anti social.

@basedbagel love yourself first. If you don't then anything is permissible.


Oh believe me I do.

I just feel conflicted because my life is fantastic but the fantastic life came at the cost of my social life.

Also I'm in an annoying position where I'm too mature for normies yet too inexperienced to hang around gifted like minds.

Ex. Just started my biz 6 months ago.

Oh well such is life

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