@basedbagel there is no god you punish yourself.
Don't miss the forest for the trees.
Idc if you're religious or not my point is envy is a waste of time.
@basedbagel if you are envious you are weak, if you need a god you are weak. Resentful envious people need god.
Thats not true.
Envy and religiosity come mostly from people's personality traits than their self interest.
People act against their self interest all the time. For example look at the vaccine
@basedbagel what's the difference between personality traits, values, self interest etc? Values are derived from self interest, personality traits are just a manifestation of values.
Your persinaliry traits mostly static. Those traits inform your values and from those values come your self interest.
Self interest is more malleable than personality traits.
It may seem like a small distinction but it makes all the difference.
This is why religion arguments are useless. People are hardwired one way and rarely deviate when it comes to religious beliefs.
For the most part Yes.
Most people go off their intuition and suck balls at long term thinking/planning.
Self interest and values change more than personality traits because for the most part your personality is hard wired into you so it's the slowest to change.
A great book on this is the H Factor of personality
@basedbagel thanks for the recommendation I'll check it out.