I'm black pilled on male friendship right now.

I've lost all my male friends to marriage or some crazy hoe.

It's depressing to know I can build a relationship for over a decade only to be destroyed in a day by a pretty face.

It's also hard to trust guys because alot fo them tend to vent to their girl so I have to be careful about what I say which makes things awkward.

I know I shouldn't envy women but it would be nice if I could just smile in a guy's face and get their undying loyalty...

@basedbagel I do still find it surprising how quickly redpill aware male friends willingly go right back to the planation, even after divorces, even with getting a shittier deal.

There's nothing you can do, except observe and cherish the profound freedom you have that they will never truly appreciate until they don't have it anymore.

Eventually the bickering starts, the constant shit tests amplify, and the weight of risks from the current environment feels heavier.


"There's nothing you can do, except observe and cherish the profound freedom you have that they will never truly appreciate until they don't have it anymore."

Thanks @red_dread I needed to hear that.

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