Stoicism is being tested heavily today.

2 people that snaked me are now doing 4X better than me at life.

I know I shouldn't envy them but... It's hard man

@basedbagel you should look up to them and respect their greatness like rollo. Or not give a fuck like TFM or figure it out for yourself.


Repsect the greatness of being a traitor? Nah Im good

I know I shouldn't care but its annyoiing to see people rewarded for immoral acts

@basedbagel morality is subjective nigger, killing babies is subjective, blacks and whites are equal

@basedbagel vampire pussy is best pussy it's the huwyte and the coldest. Like the French.



What are you TALKING about?!

First of all vampire pussy is demonic and disgusting.

I don't want bitches sucking my blood literally and figuratively.

And TBH white bitches fell off.

In 2023 its about asian and habesha hoes.

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