
Destiny is proof making millions doesn't make you smart.

Exhibit A: Enters open relationship with a famous female who's been raped before

Exhibit B: Marries sed female with no prenup. Why even get married if you're in an open relationship?

Exhibit C: Uses his platform to extoll degenerate values that have never worked in a functional society ever.

It's so obvious she used him for $$ and a citizenship.

What. An. Idiot! LOLOLL

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@basedbagel I'd pay to watch Destiny ask her lawyer for a source and attempt his do-my-homework schtick in the courtroom 🤣


There aren't enough peer-reviewed studies in the world to save him those alimony payments

@basedbagel @Mongoliaboo do you have a peer reviewed source to explain why I should give half of my shit away?

@I_AmTheKnight @basedbagel @Mongoliaboo

The way you've laid it out begs the clear question - how likely is it that his "marriage", his algo-boosted rise to fame and fortune, and him corrupting marriage by promoting a degenerate version of it, was all a careful creation?

There are clearly people in power who want to promote these degenerate lifestyles.

All you need is a power-hungry cuck who can talk. By the time your patsy's life inevitably falls apart, damage to society has been done.

@UncleIroh @I_AmTheKnight @basedbagel He's a Starcraft 2 streamer turned internet sophist and cuckoldry advocate, somehow his streams still make money, if not more money than before. I'm going to guess the success rate for a pivot like this is 0% without glowie support.

@Mongoliaboo @I_AmTheKnight @basedbagel

It's all glowie funded and algo-boosted.

And just like Israeli hasbara propagandists have been offering thousands of dollars to any streamer willing to condemn Hamas and shill for the IDF, the FBI and NGO outfits are constantly on the lookout for cucks like Destiny who are happy to flood society with degeneracy for bucks and clicks.

@UncleIroh @Mongoliaboo @I_AmTheKnight You might be on to something but I just don't get why of all the $$ you can get shilling for good why shill for satanic activities that make you look weak and stupid?

I'll never understand godless people.

@basedbagel @Mongoliaboo @I_AmTheKnight

The way the devil operates is by offering you a choice. That way, he has plausible deniability while you have to accept that it's you who are at fault. You're the architect of your own downfall.

"The Devil's Advocate" and "Eyes Wide Shut" are 2 great films that explore this.

@UncleIroh @Mongoliaboo @I_AmTheKnight @basedbagel His whole divorce could be a Fugazi a sham to get more attention,a psyOpp to drum up interest and make him relevant

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