Saw a video of guys joking about how men disappear when they get a girlfriend and then come back after they break up they tease him and let him back in the group.

I don't know why but it triggered me into a stunlock.


I will NEVER forgive anyone who ghosts after they get some pussy. and then tries to come back after she dumps his ass.

I REFUSE to be a pussy pit stop.

@basedbagel It's part of nature. It's a biological fact, you can't change that. Normally the guy would become a father and have to protect the woman while she's pregnant and support the new born family at least until the kids are running and able to pull their own weight.
Don't fight nature, just be sure to tease him big time when he comes back and in today's world, when he gets divorced and cheated, tell him to not do that mistake again.

@Zeb I respectfully disagree.

It's not human nature to just dip on people that have stuck by you for years because your dick is hard.

I don't mind if people spend less time as they get serious with women, thats expected.

But if you dont contact me at ALL the moment you get laid then I'll never forgive you.

Because that means we were never friends, I was just a warm body to fill in while you couldn't get laid.

It's ok man, it's a hard reality to face that most men are very weak normie,s no matter how fun of a friend they are. The sex drive is one of our biggest challenges in life, I will link you two great videos worth watching:

@Zeb Thanks but its all good I just like to vent on here because only red pill guys understand these problems.

If I was a normie I'd have more friends than I know what to do with.

Personally what really helped me was a mindset change: I see everyone as a child who is fighting for my attention because they are fully helpless and ignorant.
This makes very easy to filter people since you would only invest your time and effort on the children who had the right attitude, behaviour and potential. The rest are just NPCs wandering on the background that might throw a fun quest once in a while.


@Zeb I agree with you 100% on that mindset because the way people acted during this pandemic that i thought were solid...

Crazy man.

It just weighs on me that

1. childhood friends will dip for pussy.

2. Normies I like are suffering from the vax and I can't help them

3. Most people are just useless leeches that ACTIVELY get in your way.

Even though personaly this year has been great for me, it's a bit bittersweet whet I consider how my awakening made me antisocial

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