Dividing people up by "generations" makes no sense to me.

Most of the people who I relate most to both online and in person are WAY older than me.

Values, Interests, Goals >>>>>> Year you were born.

@basedbagel there is some correlation, certain age groups might be more likely to share certain values based on hardships they went through together that younger generations may not have experienced, or they grew up in a part of the cycle that made for a harsher life...hard times create strong men....maybe you are just an outlier, a strong millennial that shares in this value, and elbow greased view of the world.



"certain age groups might be more likely to share certain values"

This may be true but simply hasn't been the case for me and IMO between millions of people/parents and locations there's not much that brings us together outside of pop-culture.

."maybe you are just an outlier"

Oh I definetly am, and I'm proud of it. Saved me from vax and enslavement to women.

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