Story time

How did I know the Jab was bullshit?

I worked for Amazon during the pandemic and they were saying that if you got vaccinated you’d be entered to win $100,000 and get a sticker on your badge. That was enough for me to cast suspicion. I was also healthy and didn’t see the point.

My entire family is vaccinated also, my Dad is dying day by day because he works for FAA. He blames it on a “spider bite.” He’ll scratch his arm every now and again. It’s heartbreaking to watch.


Thanks for sharing! @TenaciousGoat I'm going through the exact same thing right now.

I originally had a "let the pawns go 1st" attitude with the vax until i found out it was BS by some youtubers.

2 of my family members have been hospitalized and 1 of them has 4 shots!

Not a single one of them has made the connection and I can't say anything because I lied and told them I took it.

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