My beef with taxes is the same as my beef with FAFSA when I was in UNI.

If you're at the top or bottom 10% of income earners you're good.

Anyone in between gets fucked in the ass.

Ex. At my UNI if you make below a certain threshold you can get a grant to go to school for free.

If you're rich you just cut thc check for tuition.

If you're middle class you get FUCKED IN THE ASS

I even had some bonehead tell me that my parents own a house so I don't qualify for any aid $$... 1/?


Who the FUCK is going to sell their house and be homeless/downsize to pay for 1 kids tuition?

If the house you own is the house you live in then its NOT an asset because you can't sell it without a serious lifestyle hit.

Now with taxes the bottom 10% don't pay taxes and the top 10% can hire accountants that worked with the IRS that know all the loopholes to lower their tax burden. 2/?

The rest of us? GET FUCKED IN THE ASS!

My biz isn't complex enough to warrant any deductions so I'm SOL.

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There should be a flat tax of 10-15% and to hell with all these funky deductions.

You get a tax credit for owning a home, having kids, medical expenses and being married because that's what the gov wants you to do.

Are you a single healthy guy with no kids or house? GET FUCKED and pay up buddy because you're on the gov's naughty list.

It's not fair that I have to pay more taxes for the same shit that married people get.

3/idk yet I'm still angry

It blows my mind that only libertarians get that setting up a system to hook up the people the gov likes will be used against you if you ever lose power.

Notice how the tea party conveniently got audited every year since they were critical of the POTUS?

Nonsensical systems like this are yet another reason why I'm leaving the U.S.

I'm not a tax dodger but I'm not giving up 30% of my income to a satanic system using soft power to fuck with people and help ungrateful obese commies.


Ok i'm done ranting now.

I'm gonna go setup an appointment with my accountant now and just close my eyes and go to my happy place as the IRS shakes me down while providing little value in my life.

Not to mention the 30% they'll take from my business they did SWEET FUCK ALL to start or promote.


@basedbagel All the deductions in the system are aimed to married men .Because the system encourages you to go back to the plantation . All the tax systems work like that . Single men are the most dangerous thing for the system .

@ugly_bastard_reborned Agreed.

My problem is that when I try to explain this to normies all i hear is

"mArRiEd pEoPlE hAvE mOrE eXpEnSeS"

Bitch that was YOUR choice!

Nobody told your dumbass to get married and have kids you can't afford.

Now we have this bloated convoluted tax system that only benefits brokies and people rich/well connected enough to hire people to find the right loopholes to lower their tax burden to reasonable amount.

@basedbagel Your first problem was talking with npcs . You only interact with npcs when you need to finish a quest. And when doing it you choose the options that are useful .

@ugly_bastard_reborned Well said, I take full responsibility.

But every once in a while I have a sliver of hope and sometimes it works.


Yah its fucked man, not much we can do at this moment but prepare for hyperinflation. Good news is not a lot of people are so even the slights amount of preparation will be more than anyone else around you.

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