I still like elon but he needs to get off twitter/4chan.

The powers that be are all patiently waiting for you to fuckup and what do you do?

Make some dumbass tweet about DEI. 🤦‍♂️ Such an autist!

Pilots are NOT tested for IQ.

They are tested for their dexterity, hand eye, coordination, 20/20 vision etc.

I saw a video of a FEMALE that was a pilot and they have worst reaction times/dexterity so if they can do it anyone can as far as I'm concerned.


Now if there was a study that HBCU grads led to more plane crashes then he would have a point.

But hyperfocusing on IQ is not the answer.
Noam Chomsky is a GENIUS but that didn't shield him from his trash ideology.

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