I'm conflicted on the legalization of prostitution so I I'd like you guys opinion on this.

One one hand I morally oppose it as I've met hoes personally and they're broken, chaotic people who noone should be paying $$.

On the other hand modern dating is prostitution with extra steps and modern marriage is WORST than prostitution.

@basedbagel Have for The Old dusty woman have an extra income but for young fertile woman shouldn't be an option since we can see what happens Now.



Noone is paying their hard earned $$ for some old dusty bitch lol.

I agree w/ you on young women but be honest, if you're still in the dating game like me, do they not act like prostitutes?

Why are we still paying for them if they work? Why do we by them a ring and get on 1 knee when all of the risk/burden is on us?

Things to think about.

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@basedbagel Maybe for pensioners have their fun.

If you aren't having paying atention to this community Is build around we all agreed young fertile woman shouldn't be in the work place periot they belong to kitchen and the bed

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