Twitter example of a "beautiful mid" proving divisive in my circle. Imagine you are looking for a wife and she's interested in you, wants to be a homemaker, content to live at home and raise the kids, and has the faith of your family. She admits that she's always 'struggled with weight' and her mom is fat as shit, but most of the family is apparently free of major health issues. She's within 6 inches of your height and has pretty good domestic skills, but her standard of cleanliness is below your own.

Marry or not marry?


@nice-nigger @Zerglingman @WashedOutGundamPilot

I'm sorry I just can't do it.

Fat wife = fat kids which I REFUSE to tolerate.

I don't see how she could be that damn fat staying at home all day she should find the time to workout.

Also being overweight increases the risk of pregnancy complications along with a host of other issues.

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@basedbagel @Zerglingman @WashedOutGundamPilot muh fuh guilteh geah muhfuckin shounen anime make me basenrehpill gnawmean I giddat tampon bakpak nigguh wuhchoomean I ain no girlboss bitch I be duh baddiss bitch on duh blawk I got dat cash money nigga I show fediverse admins muh tee-tees aint nobody scurr yo reddit ass muhfuggih schizo shit bitch daaaayuuuuuuum mercedes dealership n sheeit sail of foam I got dat ifoam plus main on gawwwww :senko_smile:
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