For everyone that gave me shit for being anti-drugs:

This bitch stabbed a dude 100 times under cannabis psychosis and will walk free after some community service.

If drugs were illegal she'd be in jail

@basedbagel It should be clear that the law doesn't matter here. Murder is illegal and being on drugs, legal or not, is not a defense. Yet she's free.



>that the law doesn't matter here.

I hate to be pedantic but it kinda does.

The reason why she got off is that she got the prosecutioms expert witness to agree that she has cannabis psychosis.

This meant she wasn't in control of her actions so they treated her like a victim of a big bad man forcing her to try drugs she didn't want and she had a freak accident.

If drugs were illegal she'd still be on the hook for possession/use of marijuana

@basedbagel If changing the sexes of the parties would change the outcome of the case, the law is not what's wrong with the system.

The problem here is the simp judge who literally lets women get away with murder. There is no legislative solution here. The people are broken.


> If changing the sexes of the parties would change the outcome of the case

That's an no oversimplification.
I understand there is a vagina pass in court but what got her off was her insanity plea. Also she has family in law enforcement.

Influential people have used insanity pleas to get away with murder from antiquity.

There was a guy who got off with murder claiming he had affluenza.

Gender is only part of the issue.


The bigger issue is the law.

They need to ban drugs and bring back and find a way to separate the mentally ill from society instead of giving them pills and putting us sane people at risk

@basedbagel This is easily compared to drunk sex being rape only for the man. Alcohol has well-known effects on the mind. But a drunk woman is never a rapist.

Also violent criminals are frequently on drugs and that doesn't get them off. This is an elephant in the room scenario, you're getting distracted by the chandelier, but the reason is the elephant: what's between her legs.

Women even get away with murdering men without a reefer madness defense. The drugs are a distraction.


> is an elephant in the room scenario, you're getting distracted by the chandelier, but the reason is the elephant: what's between her legs.

No I just actually read into the case.

Plenty of crazy hoes get locked up everyday.

This one got off due toa combination of:

Favorable media attention
Family in law enforcement
Lax Drug laws
Being female
The only credible witness is dead

You sound like u don't live in the US. Guys/girls get off on murder charges A LOT here


>This is easily compared to drunk sex being rape only for the man. Alcohol has well-known effects on the mind. But a drunk woman is never a rapist.

I'm glad you brought that up.

In 2016 Brock Turner, A MAN got 6 months for alleged rape and everyone lost their shit.

This is a classic case of being well connected with a good lawyer but you just want to hyper focus on women instead of acknowledging the CLEARLY broken justice system based on status/who you know/being rich

@basedbagel Why something happened, and why people say it happened, are not the same. She got off because she's a woman.

Yes, rich and well-connected men can get a fraction of the leniency women get. No, drugs have nothing to do with this. Sober women get away with murder, stoned men get locked up, but one stoned woman gets away with murder and it's all about drugs now? Get a grip.


>Yes, rich and well-connected men can get a fraction of the leniency women get

You clearly don't live in the U.S.

In the US if you're rich/well connected you get off with igregious crimes ALL THE TIME.

Look at hunter Biden and SBF.

Youve clearly never been to court and just want to rail about women. That's why your ignoring my points and didj t read the case so I'm muting this now

@basedbagel Yeah, go on and ragequit LOL

I'm not railing about women, I'm speaking the truth. You're railing about drugs because you've got a massive hate-boner and want to push a false narrative.

If sober women get away with murder, then the drug angle is irrelevant here. End of story.

I unfortunately live in the US. I've never been a defendant, but courts allow people to spectate. I challenge you to sit in on a family court session.


I was trying to be nice but you clearly lack reading comprehension.

I told you already the US court system has BEEN broken since the quality of lawyer and relationship with the judge plays a big role in your case.

I even cited Hunter Biden, Brock Turner, SBF and many guys who get off easy due to their status.

You conveniently IGNORE ALL OF IT because your feeble mind can't comprehend there are more than 1 factor can lead to an outcome.

Do courts go easy on pussy? DUH but this case is more complex than that and you don't want to hear anything because you're hard headed af.

But IDC because just like with jootards if you censor speech it leads to people hyper focusing on what they can't talk about and polarizes them.

@basedbagel I'm not ignoring shit. I'm just not letting you run a false narrative.

>I have a few cherry-picked examples of rich and famous men getting let off

I have a study done on ALL criminal justice data nationwide over the course of multiple years.

You can screech on, but I'm done now. Just another pussy pass moment, but liars gonna lie.


Let's take a step back here.

I said if drugs were illegal she wouldn't walk free which is true.

You said the law doesn't matter ina. Criminal case it's just a pussypass which is WRONG.

I corrected you as I read the case and told you multiple factors go into it.

You now straw man me with a study claiming something I NEVER DISAGREED WITH.

This is why I said you lack reading comprehension.

Youre not even responding to what I said you're just looping lol

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