
1. I spiritually expatriated from the United States and I suggest you do the same.

2. I no longer go the extra mile at work and I won't until I'm >35.

3. Still saving my shekels to build a nest egg.

My current plan:

1. Pay off debt asap by working 2 remote jobs

2.Visit my shortlist of 3-5 countries to decide where i want to move

3. Learn language of country of choice

4. Leave USA and never look back!

Ok Back to my hiatus

Good luck guys! 🫡

@basedbagel Well if you found a place that has better outlook? I hope you can make the next report a success story.


>I hope you can make the next report a success story.

That's the plan!

Ideally my plan will take 18 months to 2 years to complete and report back what I find.

I wish you the best in making it out of this failed state

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