No one under 45 years old will ever know what freedom was and almost everyone under 55 will live to see the end of the USA.

@freepatriot And they'll make tiktoks about it the whole drive there.

Americans are all bootlicking Commies now.

The boxcars won't even be needed
because Americans are so enslaved now that Americans will drive themselves to the concentration camps.

You know the USA is doomed when Americans don't support quotes from the founding fathers.

>“Why increase the sons of Africa, by planting them in America, where we have so fair an opportunity, by excluding all blacks and tawnys, of increasing the lovely white and red?”

Benjamin Franklin, “Observations Concerning the Increase of Mankind”

You know the USA is doomed when Americans don't support quotes from the founding fathers.


the article mentions a video but does not show it
waste of time

Oh sweet, another thread about how I'm fucked because I'm alone with no children in my 30's, this is really what I need you fucking assholes.
Thinking about taking up archery for fun and fitness.

Are their laws against firing a bow in cities?
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