

Americans say the collapse of the USA is perfectly acceptable.

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Pretty much.

If the Constitution was supposed to keep evil men from usurping power, then it failed and let those men enslave us.

If the Constitution was supposed to let evil men enslave us then it failed to keep us free.

Either way, the American Experiment in limited government was a failure and it's probably time to try something else.
@WilhelmIII @freepatriot The constitution is supposed to be defended by men with militias. Americans are too fat and scared to form them.
There is no "or else" clause anywhere in the Constitution.

Article 1, Section 8 and the 10th amendment should both have an "or else" clause.

But they don't.

Either that was on purpose or it was a horrible oversight.

Either way, the Constitution does not have an actual, written recourse in it for what to do when the Constitution is just ignored by people in government.
it was founded by revolutionaries so 1A and 2A.

The Declaration of Independence and the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union were written by patriot revolutionaries.

The Constitution was written by lawyers.
I meant the country was founded by revolutionaries, as in we were birthed in a Revolution. We celebrate Independence Day, not Constitution Day, as the day of our founding.
But the Constitution is the document of our government.

The revolutionaries won our freedom from the UK.

The lawyers took it back.

Patrick Henry had some very bad things to say about the Constitution. He wasn't invited to the convention.
It’s hard to say what would have happened to that government if either the South prevailed in the civil war or it had never happened. The South should have had the right to secede under the terms of the constitution. That’s a real big or else baked into the document.
in 1800 there were 105 Congressmen for about 5,300,000 citizens.

That's about one Congressman for every 50,000 people.

If that ratio was kept we'd have 6,600 Congressmen.

That is not a working system, but neither is the one we have now where each Congressman "represents" 3/4 of a million people.

The experiment of the US has run its course. Time for something different.
What really matters is what things are like right now. We took a wrong turn somewhere. Time to try something else. Not gay communism (judaism).
@WilhelmIII @AmonMaritza @freepatriot Yes, the piece of paper is the document, but ultimately it's men who are willing to fight, ' it's a Republic if you can keep it '
Actually, the piece of paper was written to stop men that were willing to fight.

Research CAPT Daniel Shays.
Wouldn't rebellion be within the political question doctrine, and hence constitutional, if it were determined that the rebellion within a state was the legitimate government of that state. 🤔
The Articles didn't really specify what kind of government each state could have, just that the delegates to the Congress had to be appointed by their state governments.

The Constitution requires a republican form of government.
Yeah, another weakness of the Constitution.

The Supreme Court can decide to just not get involved.
This is the best doctrine. It has been misused in just about every case, and no one does shit.
Following a claim of "state secrets privilege", the court rarely conducts an in camera examination of the evidence to evaluate whether there is sufficient cause to support the use of this doctrine. This results in court rulings in which even the judge has not verified the veracity of the assertion.

@Humpleupagus @freepatriot @AmonMaritza @WilhelmIII @Bianca usually the act of killing becomes a priority when you are the one getting killed
@freepatriot Because then my ideology can rise from the ashes.
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