
Americans want to have a civil war over homosexuals, abortion, and illegal immigrants, but no one cares that the USA is a bankrupt warmongering police state.

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@freepatriot eh…every country is broke and got fingers in the war pie so thats not really a good comparison. Abortion is murder. Faggots tend to want to fuck kids. And the definition of “illegal” should never be conflated with immigrants following the rules to settle here, they are “economic terrorist

@evillarry @freepatriot american oligarchs maintain the guardrails of the culture war on election politics because the alternative is discussing the minimum wage, labor laws, retirement age and prison industrial complex.

@Nimbius666 @freepatriot or…from my experience with wealthy ppl, they sit around and think of shit to fuck up to see how many folks will go along and who wont. Its just one big game with satan and his toys.


I don't. Wars are bloody and loss of life is always heavy. When people toss around the term "war", I find it disgusting.

People need to find a better term to use. We haven't been in a war since WWII.

We're bankrupt, yes... I know. People think we can print more money without consequence. I find that disgusting as well.

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