I have to wonder what people who saved Kanye's video on a Google drive were thinking. Did they seriously think that perhaps the most censorious of the Big Tech companies was going to just let that remain? It should not be a shock that Google will do everything they can to shut down any wrongthink.

And do you really think Google gives a shit about your privacy? What, you think they are not looking at all your data? Of course they are! All that "free" stuff they provide is collecting your data.


For those that do not know, they also removed someone's saved video of Plandemic. It should not shock you that they are in on the whole Covid hysteria bullshit either, as well as stealing the 2020 election. Remember how they had that big staff meeting in 2016 when Trump won the election? And how someone there mentioned preventing "another Trump situation"? These people do not have your best interests in mind. They see YOU as the enemy. Of course they will delete your videos without hesitation.

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@houseoftolstoy There are privacy respecting cloud drives out there. Check out guys like nordlocker. But if you want to use the free services, your best bet is to encrypt the files before you upload them. Then keep the keys elsewhere. They find this stuff with pattern matching. Encryption should avoid that.
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