maybe the average new car buyer

plenty of people have never bought a new car. I've owned like 10 vehicles and only bought one new
@deprecated_ii I know people like that - they just keep swapping for new bc they think "trading it in" is cheaper than used car maintenance
@Binkle @deprecated_ii how do you get a new car every 4 years, no wonder everyone in this country is in debt.

@creamqueen @deprecated_ii @Binkle You are right, they do not afford it properly. They justify it with all sorts of excuses, but the real reason is to put up appearances for other people, as almost nobody actually needs a new car every 4 years.

It is even worse if it is a finacially illiterate wife demanding a new car, because she will make an even bigger deal out of having the latest car than the average person. Or the young man who thinks he should have a new car to attract women.

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@houseoftolstoy @deprecated_ii @Binkle mfs will be like "don't talk to me if you have a car older than 5 years" and will drive a base model nissan altima
@deprecated_ii @creamqueen @Binkle @houseoftolstoy
I drive a 2006 SUV. Was pricey at the time but I haven’t had a car payment since 2009 (did a 5 year loan and paid it off in 3). I put on average $800/year into it for upkeep. Anyone saying that it’s cheaper to trade it in is stupid. They are trying to rationalize doing what they want to do.
@midway @houseoftolstoy @deprecated_ii @Binkle issue with the car market is everyone only makes ugly SUVs and crossovers. I'd only ever drive a sedan or a wagon.
@creamqueen @houseoftolstoy @deprecated_ii @Binkle
There are plenty of sedans out there. Wagons got consumed by a combo of SUVs and minivans. The car makers are just making what people want.
@creamqueen @houseoftolstoy @deprecated_ii @Binkle
If there were sufficient demand for wagons, they’d build them…fake wood panels and all.

One of my favorite car memes is a Honda Odyssey with a bumper sticker that says:

“My other car is an Iliad”
@midway @creamqueen @houseoftolstoy @Binkle they're really not meeting demand, but part of the reason is government mandates have wildly distorted the market. it's not legal to make many vehicles that would certainly be very popular
@deprecated_ii @houseoftolstoy @Binkle @creamqueen
I presume you are talking about fuel standards.

With sufficient demand a new category of vehicle would be created or a vehicle tyke would get moved to a new category.

Or someone would just build a hybrid or EV wagon to meet the standards.

Lobbying is a thing. The industry has a big hand in writing the rules.

Or just vote the bums out…sorry I can’t keep a straight face on that one. But the rest can happen.
@midway @houseoftolstoy @Binkle @creamqueen these would sell like hotcakes at $15,000 new and it will never, ever happen under the current US government system

there are entire classes of vehicle that simply cannot be made in America because they are outlawed by the extremely extensive regulations covering motor vehicles

the same thing has happened in the firearms industry. rules get set, and then anything that exists outside those rules is totally abandoned. no amount of demand changes that
@deprecated_ii @midway @houseoftolstoy @Binkle @creamqueen Would take that over these pavement princess pick-ups they keep pushing that we don't need.
I love these little jap trucks.
Gonna import one at some point.
@midway @houseoftolstoy @deprecated_ii @Binkle @creamqueen they don't make city cars in the USA anymore because of the cuckbox reputation. You can still get a Mitsubishi mirage though and it gets like 39-40mpg on the highway.

On the other hand you literally cannot find a new diesel car in the USA because no dealers were ordering them or marketing the ones that did exist that were not vws.
@PhenomX6 @houseoftolstoy @deprecated_ii @Binkle @creamqueen
Non-commercial diesel has never really worked in the US because we don’t tax gasoline like Europe does. It makes sense for heavy commercial vehicles due to the power needed to haul big loads but it’s a bit of a cult following in the US for cars.
@midway @houseoftolstoy @deprecated_ii @Binkle @creamqueen it's also diesel prices went up, but moreso the shit like the infamous Oldsmobile diesel compounded by the lack of education on things you're not supposed to do to diesel engines that boomers were doing at the time with gas cars. So you had an unreliable engine that was constantly rumored to be a gas engine conversion instead of a clean sheet design, mixed with bad decisions from gas car owners and dealer networks who had no education.

Meanwhile Benz and VW had fewer issues in that era because they had better built engines that held up better with owner neglect or bad decisions and likely a dealer network who knew what they were selling as opposed to the rednecks at a Chevy dealership
@PhenomX6 @houseoftolstoy @deprecated_ii @Binkle @creamqueen

I think small EVs/hybrids are the new city cars at least in the US. Not my cup of tea but neither is big city living
@midway @houseoftolstoy @deprecated_ii @Binkle @creamqueen I've heard that European carmakers are killing off small city cars that are cheap because EVs are more expensive to make by a longshot.

Which lines up with you will be happy just fine.
@Nudhul @PhenomX6 @houseoftolstoy @deprecated_ii @Binkle @midway Japan has kei Cars, cars under a certain weight with no larger than 660cc engines
@deprecated_ii @houseoftolstoy @Nudhul @Binkle @creamqueen @midway it's mid engined and worth too much as an example of a bubble economy era car of excess. Nobody asked for it and they made it along with the Honda beat and whoever made the cappuccino.
@creamqueen @PhenomX6 @houseoftolstoy @deprecated_ii @Nudhul @Binkle @midway The story of kei cars is fairly instructive actually. Their popularity cratered once the tax advantages were reduced, but not to zero. Some people still buy them. Reasons vary. For example, a bunch of private parking spaces are built with them in mind. Also, the tax incentives are not removed entirely.
@union @houseoftolstoy @deprecated_ii @Nudhul @Binkle @creamqueen @midway kei vans sell worldwide and especially in third world countries because they're ideal for those roads and easy to repair
@PhenomX6 @houseoftolstoy @deprecated_ii @Binkle @creamqueen
Well in Europe, there is definitely government intervention to dissuade them from making gasoline vehicles in general.

Western Europe has a strange death wish. They are determined to extinct themselves.
We're heading this way in the USA, moreso because one of our automakers is owned by them.

We have a death wish too only kept away by effortboomers who are going to slowly die out as their kids prefer to wank it to furry porn instead and with no incentive to contribute.
If they wanted me to reproduce so bad they shouldn’t have torpedoed my career and criminalized being cishet
@CumskinFoidPuncher69420 @PhenomX6 @houseoftolstoy @deprecated_ii @Binkle @creamqueen

The bigger reason for the population crunch in the west is the empowerment of women. When you give women choices, they make them. This sounds controversial to many but when you look at papers talking about how to deal with the 3rd world population booms, empowering women is always at or near the top of the list. But for some reason when you suggest that it’s the reason for first world extinction, people get mad and start calling you an istphobe. Go figure.
@midway @PhenomX6 @houseoftolstoy @deprecated_ii @Binkle I'd love to get my hands on an old Mercedes turbo diesel wagon. Those things get like 35mpg
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