
One thing that bothers me when talking with commies/socialists about business profits is their lack of understanding with the downsides of being the owners. That is, being an owner means that you must deal with the losses as well as the profits. But too many commies seem to think that all businesses are guaranteed to be making money and think that all profits should be evenly distributed among the workers. Never do they consider what happens in their model when the business is not profitable.

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Commies are just like boomer bosses:

"If I don't see it with my own eyes, how do I know you are working?"

The boomer boss uses this as justification against you working a job you could do remotely, but commies simply do not understand there is more to running a restaurant than taking orders and making the food. Same goes with any other business operation, more happens that just what can be immediately and obviously observed.

I don't know if these people are simply too delusional to realize that businesses do not just operate on autopilot or if they realize the risks but are too unwilling to do it themselves, but running a business is by no means guaranteeing that you will be wealthy. Often, it can become a liability if the business fails.

But commies are often too busy looking up at the successful businesses to see all those that did not make it. They are blind to the risk necessary for success.

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