
@CrimeaRiver @WashedOutGundamPilot That may be true, but do you understand why that is? A man does not increase his earning potential because he is married. Rather, married men more often have a need to earn more money given he is not just paying for himself, but a family.

Also, take a moment to think the vast majority of women would marry a man making only 40k a year versus one making 100k. It does not take a genius to figure out that women seek out those men.

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@CrimeaRiver @WashedOutGundamPilot Women these days are waiting at the finish line for winners rather than investing in a man before his prime earning years. The "behind every successful man is a woman" is laughable if that is trying to imply that the woman was the primary reason for his success. Rather, the woman only chose that man because he was successful.

Another thing, men who are bachelors have little need to earn more than they need themselves. But not necessarily because they couldn't.

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