Here's a tip for making your experience flying in an airplane more comfortable: just wear sweatpants for the trip.

This was something I never thought up myself, but I saw a co-worker on a business trip doing this, and I realized the genius of it. Who are you trying to impress when you are flying? The pilot? The stewardesses? Your fellow passengers? That attractive woman you saw during a layover who was going to a different destination?

Wearing something comfortable just makes things easier.

No, you are not going to meet some cute young thing on your flight to your destination. Your life is not a movie.

Anyone else who might look at you funny for dressing for comfort when you are already going through every other discomfort during travel is never going to see you again anyways. Why care about what they think?

So if your aversion to the idea of wearing sweatpants on a flight is because you fear others judging you for your choice in clothing, just forget about that silliness.

@houseoftolstoy I would suggest dressing well when traveling international. You are likely to be treated better by security.


@redmaple Does this apply for most cases, or just specific areas of the world?

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@houseoftolstoy Canada is the only country I'd risk dressing down. I prioritize a hassle-free travel experience over comfort, so I rather dress up a bit and not be bothered by customs and security officials in a foreign country.

If you look like nobody, young male traveling solo, you are a prime target to be hassled.

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