cool, if they’re nonprofits then I want THEM wiped out, too. Very few do anything good or healthy. Almost unanimously destructive towards sane, healthy people, designed to uplift our predators

@WashedOutGundamPilot I think there was too much jumping the gun with "Budweiser is losing so much money due to the tranny!" Yes, they probably will lose money, but not right away. We need to wait until the supply chain gets to the point in the cycle where the bars/off-sale businesses/concessions do not reorder the beer due to lack of interest.

Then, we will see if they are losing money.


@WashedOutGundamPilot It was easy for criticism by those who said, "See, they did not lose money now!" when many people jumped the gun. But we shall see reality assert itself over time if there was any money lost. Then you can throw it in the face of the leftists when you have numbers on your side (and that is an if, given that Bud Light is not the only Budweiser product).

In short, these things take time to see the end results.

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@houseoftolstoy I’m not that hopeful, everyone on the less progressive end of the spectrum gives way on these boycotts. They forget, they lose energy, and then return to normal when the fervor dies off.

I’ll be amazed if they keep this up 2 years from now.

@WashedOutGundamPilot @houseoftolstoy It's how the system works. The leftoid freaks are only ones crazy enough to spend all their time sleeping outside the building of the church they're or show up to every school board and city council meeting to make sure they can have their troon bathrooms etc, so the institutions cave into them. Normal people can't and won't act like that, they have families to raise, so a state that relies upon "public will" shall be subservient to the freaks. The only successful counters to the libtard menace have been authoritarian, not popular movements or boycotts, for that is their sphere.
I think that's all true up until the last part. If ordinary people don't have the energy to protect relatively weak institutions against entryists then it most certainly follows they won't be able to protect powerful ones.

The problem with school boards and city councils isn't just that jews can take them over, it's that when they do there is massive effort required to correct the problem. Either by an uphill battle to purge them from entrenched parasites or a full on revolution to replace them entirely.

By contrast, if the local butcher is caught misbehaving the solution is simple and immediate: People boycott his business until he gets back in line, or someone else takes his place.
Yes but they can't trust their leader to be good and strong forever without any oversight, because eventually one won't be.

The good news is that Whites are very very good at managing small communities where everyone knows each other. jews have extreme difficulty taking them over. We have a corruption proof model to follow.
@Eiregoat @houseoftolstoy @WashedOutGundamPilot I was talking about more of the central state. Locally things are much easier to get right.
My solution to that would be not to have a central state. Build everything out of small communities and if we need to cooperate on a larger scale build specific institutions for that.

So rather than having one big executive glob that's responsible for everything there's specific institutions for managing traffic on a particular river, managing airspace, managing coastal defence etc.

That way if one institution goes bad it's easier to replace rather than having to tear everything up by the roots and start fresh.
@houseoftolstoy @WashedOutGundamPilot I wish them luck. I've been boycotting Annhauser-Busch products since the 90s. Not for any political reason. It's just that all their beer tastes fucken awful.
@AshChapelsGhost @houseoftolstoy @WashedOutGundamPilot They own a lot of decent labels. Karbach makes a couple good brews and @SuperLutheran is such a big fan of Elysium he makes ads for them
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