This is your reward for dating a single mother. Let’s have a toast to our wonderful cucks.


@Pain66 He found out that he was needed but not wanted. And when you find out that the only reason you were ever given a chance was because she was a single mom, you realize that you would never be her first choice. He found out in quite a brutal way, though he really should have already known.

And no, she is not going to salvage any relationship here. She already showed how low of an opinion she has of this man.

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@Pain66 Also, how much does anyone want to bet that she will not be willing to have a kid with him? That is also a sign that she does not really want a man if she does not see having children with him as desirable.

She can say she is all done having children, but that would not be true if she was with a man she desired more.

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